It's people not politics for me this Christmas

Cllr Richard Millard

Christmas is a time to relax with your loved ones and enjoy a few days of peace and quiet.

That’s the theory of course. I know not every family can rest in perfect harmony over the festive period. We all have our opinions and we don’t all see eye-to-eye.

But I know one thing is for sure, when I go home for Christmas I will be leaving the politics on the doorstep and focusing fully on family and friends.

It’s the nature of the beast for a politician to spend most of his time arguing. Every policy and every process is picked over and scrutinised. What we like we must defend and what we wish to change we must find the words to win over colleagues.

Argument is the currency that makes government go round.

The saying goes that Christmas is a time for goodwill to all men. If you ask me extending your seasonal bonhomie to all men is asking a bit much - we all know people who would test the patience of Santa himself.

But, none-the-less, I am very lucky that at EHDC we work in a very collaborative culture. We probably have more political parties representing a wider spectrum of views and opinions than ever before. But I am happy to say that that does not lead to too much conflict in the council chamber and the majority of our businesses is done with professionalism and cordiality.

Whatever else we disagree on, as councillors we all agree that it’s the people, not political point-scoring, that takes priority.

And with that in mind, I shall be pleased to put politics to one side over the next few days.

If your line of work allows it, Christmas is a time to slow down and switch off if you can. Enjoy being with the people you love and care about and put aside your differences.

For me Christmas will be all about people, not politics – I know there’s a high-piled in-tray on my desk but it will still be there in January.

For the next few days I will focus on my friends and family and count my blessings that I have my loved ones around me.

So, if you can, enjoy a happy, safe, relaxing and argument-free Christmas time!