East Hampshire is an economically successful area at the heart of South East England. Its assets include quality housing, first class schools, active communities, good health facilities, a diverse range of leisure and recreational opportunities, and the beautiful countryside of the South Downs.

This district is conveniently located between London and the South Coast, and so offers easy access to national and international markets.

We have a vibrant, modern economy with a strong tradition of innovation and an active, entrepreneurial business community.

Census 2021 data

The Office for National Statistics has the full census 2021 data. Census statistics help paint a picture of the nation and how we live. They provide a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics.

East Hampshire’s population has increased overall by 8.7% since the last census in 2011.

Key highlights show that the biggest population increase of 30.5% has been in the 65+ age group. The population of the younger age groups are also still growing and ages 15 – 64 have seen a 4.1% increase from 2011 to 2021.

East Hampshire facts and figures

  • Total land mass: 514 sq km
  • Population: 125,700 - census 2021 data
  • Main towns: Alton, Petersfield, Whitehill & Bordon
  • Large villages: Horndean, Liphook, Liss and Four Marks

Business and economy

Business activity ranges from agriculture to information technology, and economic activity is particularly strong in advanced manufacturing, business services, and the tourism and leisure industries.

Recently, there has been particularly strong growth in the small and medium sized business sector, with considerable growth in self-employment and new business start-ups.

  • Number of businesses: Over 6,400
  • Total jobs: Over 51,000