Free parking for vaccinations in East Hampshire

Residents who are asked to visit the vaccination centre in Petersfield Festival Hall to get their coronavirus vaccine will be able to park for free for the duration of their appointment thanks to East Hampshire District Council.

The car park can be used on vaccination days while you are getting your jab or taking a member of your support bubble to get theirs.

Anyone else using these car parks should pay as normal.

The other vaccination centre in the district is at Forest Surgery in Whitehill & Bordon.

Councillor Ingrid Thomas, portfolio holder for Neighbourhood Quality at East Hampshire District Council, said:

“Everyone who can have the coronavirus vaccine should be vaccinated. I wouldn’t want people to be concerned about whether they have the right change or the right app to pay for parking when taking this important step in the battle against the virus.

“By providing free parking for people while they are getting their jab, we’re giving them one less thing to worry about.”

For more information about the vaccination programme, visit: