You may need to apply for a club premises certificate if you’re a social, sporting or political members club (like a working men’s club or British Legion).

You need a certificate to:

  • sell or supply alcohol to members or guests
  • provide regulated entertainment, like musical performances or film screenings to members or guests

What the certificate allows

If your club holds a club premises certificate:

  • it may be able to supply alcohol to members and sell it to guests without the need for any member or employee to hold a personal licence - depending on what the certificate allows
  • it doesn’t need to specify a designated premises supervisor
  • police and licensing officers have more limited rights of entry because the premises are private


To qualify for a certificate, your club must make sure that:

  • it has premises that are occupied and used regularly for club purposes
  • alcohol and entertainment is only provided to members and their guests
  • only someone 18 or older who is nominated by the club can serve alcohol or buy it for the club
  • there is no arrangement for anyone to benefit financially from buying or selling alcohol
  • new members wait two days from their application before getting membership privileges
  • it is established and conducted in good faith
  • it has at least 25 members 

Before you start your application

You'll need to provide:

  • a plan of the premises showing certain criteria
  • a copy of the rules of the club
  • a club operating schedule
  • completed club declaration form
  • the application fee

Club premises certificate fees

You’ll be charged a fee that’s based on the rateable value of the property.

Most club premises certificates have an unlimited duration but you will have to pay an annual fee.

Apply or amend a club premises certificate

New club premises certificate (word 107 kb) - tacit consent applies after 56 days

Minor variation of premises licence application form (word 113 kb) - tacit consent applies after 15 days

Club declaration form - part of application

More information about tacit consent can be found on our website.

After you've made an application

There is a 28 day period during which the responsible authorities and any other person can make representations about a new premises licence application. If no representations are received within this 28 day period, the application is granted with the relevant mandatory conditions and any conditions consistent with your operating schedule.

If representations are received, the application process can take longer as a licensing sub-committee might need to be arranged to to hear the application.

You must display your application notice at or on the premises for 28 days from the day after it was submitted.

Appealing a decision

If your licence application is refused, you can appeal. Appeals should be made to the Magistrates Court within 21 days of being notified of the Licensing Authority's decision.

You can also appeal against any conditions attached to your club premises certificate, including a decision to:

  • exclude a licensable activity from the licence
  • reject a variation application

Displaying your certificate

You must prominently display the club premises certificate in your club.