Site location and block plans submitted with planning applications must be accurately drawn. Copyright legislation allows us to only accept plans which are based either on a site survey or which use Ordnance Survey information.

Site survey plans drawn by a surveyor must carry a statement to that effect and confirming that Ordnance Survey information has not been used.

License to use Ordnance Survey information

Ordnance Survey plans submitted with planning applications must bear a valid license number from Ordnance Survey which allows the applicant/agent to use that information.

If they don't your application will not be accepted by the council, which will delay your application until the information is received.

You should also be aware that illegal use of Ordnance Survey information can lead to legal proceedings and a fine.

You can get licensed plans from Ordnance Survey or their authorised suppliers. If you need any help or have any questions, please contact: or call 08456 050505.