The following supplementary planning documents have been adopted.

On Thursday 14 April 2022, the council adopted the Climate Change and Sustainable Construction SPD:

The SPD provides guidance and best practice on methods for delivering more energy efficient and sustainable development in the district (excluding the South Downs National Park), including mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and to address other sustainability issues as covered by the adopted local plan policies of the East Hampshire District Council Joint Core Strategy (2014) and Hampshire County Council Minerals and Waste Plan (2013).

Public consultation

We carried out a public consultation on a draft version of the document for six weeks between Wednesday 22 December 2021 and Wednesday 2 February 2022.

We received 36 responses from individuals and organisations about the draft SPD which are detailed in the consultation statement below:

Strategic environmental assessment

The council, in consultation with the Environment Agency, English Heritage and Natural England, decided that under Regulation 9 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) was not needed for the ‘Climate Change and Sustainable Construction’ SPD.

It was also agreed that a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) was not required.

On Thursday 23 March 2023 the council adopted the Housing Outside Settlement Boundaries SPD:

The purpose of the SPD is to elaborate upon Joint Core Strategy Policy CP10 in particular the latter part of the policy which refers to development outside settlement boundaries, in terms of :

  • meets a community need or realises local community aspirations;
  • reinforces a settlement’s role and function;
  • cannot be accommodated within the built up area; and
  • has been identified in an adopted neighbourhood plan or has clear community support as demonstrated through a process which has been agreed by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the parish or town Council.

The SPD expands upon each of these four tests and sets out the council’s expectations of what evidence is required to be submitted to enable the council to make a judgement as to whether to grant planning permission.

Public consultation

The consultation on a draft version of the SPD ran from 8 August - 16 September 2022. Over 90 responses were received, which are detailed  in the consultation statement:

Strategic environmental assessment

The council, in consultation with the Environment Agency, English Heritage and Natural England, decided that under Regulation 9 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) was not needed for the ‘Housing Outside Settlement Boundaries’ SPD.

It was also agreed that a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) was not required.

Equalities Impact Assessment

As the council has a responsibility under the Public Sector Equality Duty, the draft SPD was screened for any equalities impacts. The SPD makes no specific reference to those with protected characteristics, however, the outcome of new housing provision could have a positive benefit on those in different age categories or those on low incomes or living in a rural area.

On Tuesday 31 July 2018, the council adopted the Joint Wealden Heaths Phase II Special Protection Area SPD.

The SPD provides guidance for applicants where development proposals will result in a net increase in residential development (including Traveller Accommodation) within 400 metres of the Wealden Heaths Phase II Special Protection Area (SPA).

The document sets out the approach that East Hampshire District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) will take to help meet the need for gypsy, traveller and travelling showpeople accommodation and rural affordable housing exception sites as this need cannot be met solely outside of the 400 metre buffer zone.

Public consultation

We carried out a public consultation on a draft version of the document for eight weeks between 22 January 2018 and 19 March 2018. We received 23 responses from individuals and organisations about the draft SPD which are detailed in the consultation statement.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

The council, in consultation with the Environment Agency, English Heritage and Natural England, decided that under Regulation 9 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) was not needed for the Joint Wealden Heaths Phase II Special Protection Area SPD.

It was also agreed that a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) was not required.

On Thursday 19 July 2018, the council adopted the Residential and Householder Development SPD.

The SPD provides details on how to achieve a well-designed residential extension, whilst respecting local amenity.

Guidance is also provided on the acceptable design of new garages, annexes and boundary treatments (such as new walls or fences).

East Hampshire District Council wishes to make clear what it expects from proposals to extend a dwelling; to build a new outbuilding; or to erect a new boundary, in terms of its strategic design and pollution planning policies.

Public consultation

We carried out a public consultation on a draft version of the document for eight weeks between 4 December 2017 and 29 January 2018. We received 11 responses from individuals and organisations about the draft SPD which are detailed in the consultation statement.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

The council, in consultation with the Environment Agency, English Heritage and Natural England, decided that under Regulation 9 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) was not needed for the ‘Residential and Householder Development’ SPD.

It was also agreed that a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) was not required.

On the Thursday 19 July 2018, the council adopted the Vehicle Parking Standards SPD:

The document sets out East Hampshire District Council’s off-street parking standards relating to new development in the district - located outside of the South Downs National Park (SDNP). The SPD will support the council’s implementation of strategic policy CP31 of the Joint Core Strategy:

The adoption of the Vehicle Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document means that the East Hampshire District Vehicle Parking Standards Guidance Note (July 2008) has been revoked.

Public consultation

We carried out a public consultation on a draft version of the document for eight weeks between Monday 4 December 2017 and Monday 29 January 2018. We received 19 responses from individuals and organisations about the draft SPD which are detailed in the consultation statement below:

Strategic Environmental Assessment

The council, in consultation with the Environment Agency, English Heritage and Natural England, decided that under Regulation 9 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) was not needed for the ‘Vehicle Parking Standards’ SPD.

It was also agreed that a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) was not required.