This is a snapshot of our workforce taken on 31 January 2021 using the best available data.

East Hampshire District Council workforce

We have 309 employees in total.


The largest age group amongst staff at EHDC is over 46 years (54.7%).


69% of our workforce are female.

Ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion

As an organisation we ask staff for this information, however they are not obliged to give it. There are large gaps in the information they provide under these groups and therefore the information below is far less reliable.

54.4% of staff declared to be White British, other ethnicities are too low to report on.

39.2% of staff declared not to have a disability and 4.5% declared they had a disability.

31.4% of staff declared to be heterosexual numbers are too low to report on LGB.

18.7% declare to be Christian and 14.6% declare they have no religion. Other religions are represented but the numbers are too low to report.

We will be encouraging staff to update their confidential profiles.