The council works closely with Hampshire County Council (HCC), the Highways Authority, when preparing transport evidence to support the new local plan.

HCC’s Local Transport Plan is a key consideration for the council when preparing and assessing transport evidence in relation to the new local plan.

The council is working with our partners and consultants to ensure appropriate transport evidence is in place at each stage of plan making.

Draft local plan transport assessment

As part of its response to the climate emergency, the council has commissioned Ridge & Partners to devise an innovative methodology for the draft local plan’s transport assessment.

This will prioritise sustainable transport modes whilst meeting the requirements of national planning policy.

The result is a ‘decide and provide’ methodology for meeting the transport infrastructure requirements of new development.

The first stage of the transport assessment has been completed and has informed the development strategy of the draft local plan 2021-2040.

This is an accessibility study for the local plan area, investigating the concept of ‘living locally’ and how this may be applied to a rural district such as East Hampshire. The accessibility study also evaluates the relative accessibility of different parts of the local plan area for purposes of accessing local services and facilities by walking or cycling.

Transport evidence has been collated to inform the policies and proposals of the draft local plan 2021-2040. The transport background paper provides context of the existing transport network in the district by looking at the existing key travel patterns and trends.

Whitehill & Bordon low-car design

An informal consultation on low-car residential design was undertaken in Summer 2022. 

The consultation invited the residents of Whitehill & Bordon to comment on potential building, plot and street designs that showed how residential car parking might be accommodated in the future.

The consultation also enquired about current local travel trends and what may encourage residents to use alternative travel modes to the private car.   

The Report of Consultation summarises the process of the consultation, key findings, recommended next steps and potential implications for low car living in Whitehill & Bordon. It also forms part of the emerging local plan evidence base in relation to parking standards and the design of residential car parking.