High standards of building design and layout are key to achieving sustainable development.

An understanding and evaluation of the defining characteristics of local built environments is important for ensuring that these high standards will be met in East Hampshire.

On behalf of East Hampshire District Council, Hampshire County Council was commissioned to undertake assessments of local character and distinctiveness in particular neighbourhoods of the district (outside of the South Downs National Park).

These assessments form part of a 'neighbourhood character study', which will help to inform East Hampshire's new local plan for areas outside of the South Downs National Park.

The 'neighbourhood character study' is published below in six sections:

  1. Neighbourhood character study Chapters 1 to 3 (pdf 1.6 mb)
  2. Neighbourhood character study Chapter 4 (North Western Area) (pdf 8.2 mb)
  3. Neighbourhood character study Chapter 4 (North Eastern Area) (pdf 5.6 mb)
  4. Neighbourhood character study Chapter 4 (Southern Parishes) (pdf 3.9 mb)
  5. Neighbourhood character study Chapters 5 to 7 & Appendix 1 (pdf 2.1 mb)
  6. Neighbourhood character study Appendix 2 (Maps) (pdf 14.6 mb)


It is also material for the consideration of planning applications in areas that are covered by the saved policies H9 and H10 of the East Hampshire Local Plan: Second Review 2006.