The property services team make sure that the council’s land and property is maintained, managed and used as efficiently and effectively as possible, balancing financial return with supporting council service delivery.

Open space notice

Notice is hereby given that East Hampshire District Council proposes to dispose of an area of land which consists or forms part of an area of deemed open space.

The land to be disposed of, by way of a lease, is:

Land at Mill Road, Liss also known as The Roundabouts

Property services

Estates surveying

  • Leasing and letting 
  • Property acquisition and disposal
  • Valuation and appraisals
  • Financial management of property income and expenditure
  • Property data collection
  • Property information management
  • Strategic property advice

Building surveying 

  • Property inspection 
  • Building condition reports
  • Planned Preventative Maintenance programming
  • Reactive building maintenance
  • Refurbishment projects

A list of council property assets

You can see a list of council property assets by using the online map. Here you can search for an address or view a location under the My Maps option.

On the map, you should see an option called 'show map categories' on the left hand side. If you select the EHDC Assets option from under the Planning section, you will see the assets owned by the council.

Checking ownership of a property or piece of land

Please note that the council does not hold records of privately owned land or property.

If you would like information on privately owned property please contact the Land Registry on 0844 892 1111.

Land available to lease

The council manages land and properties in locations across the district. If you wish to discuss leasing a council owned property, please email

How do I report a commercial property in disrepair that is owned by the council?

As a commercial tenant you may be responsible for repairs to the building and you should first check your responsibilities under your lease before making contact.

If you are responsible for the repair you will be expected to make your own arrangements.