An Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) has been carried out alongside development of the draft East Hampshire local plan.

IIA brings together the requirements of the statutory Sustainability Appraisal (SA) process, incorporating the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Regulations, with the requirements of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA).

IIA Scoping Report

As part of the IIA process a Scoping Report has been prepared, this sets out the baseline data for the local plan area. It explains the context for the IIA in terms of international, national and local plans and strategies in place.

This allows for key issues and objectives to be formulated to inform the establishment of an IIA Framework that has been used to assess the emerging spatial strategy, policies and proposals (site allocations).

IIA Report

The purpose of the IIA Report is to:

  • Identify, describe and evaluate the likely significant effects of the Local Plan and its reasonable alternatives; and
  • Provide an opportunity for statutory consultees, interested parties and the public to offer views on any aspect of the IIA process which has been carried out to date

The IIA Report contains:

  • An outline of the contents and main objectives of the local plan and its relationship with other plans, programmes and strategies;
  • Relevant aspects of the current state of the environment and key sustainability issues for the East Hampshire planning area;
  • The IIA Framework against which the local plan has been assessed;
  • An appraisal of alternative strategic directions that the local plan could reasonably take;
  • An assessment of alternative options for meeting local plan strategy
  • An explanation of the likely significant effects of the local plan in sustainability terms;
  • The measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and as fully as possible offset any significant adverse effects which may arise as a result of the local plan

Draft plan

East Hants draft plan IIA report (pdf 4.5 mb)

Accessible versions of the appendices can be viewed at

As part of consultation on the draft local plan, comments can also be made on the IIA via our online consultation platform.