
he Bramshott and Liphook neighbourhood plan was submitted for examination, in April 2024 to Independent Examiner Andrew Ashcroft was appointed to carry out the examination.   

The Council received the Examiner’s Report on 2nd July 2024 recommending that subject to a series of recommended modifications the Bramshott and Liphook Neighbourhood Development Plan should proceed to Referendum.

Examination correspondence:

Consultation on the submission neighbourhood plan (regulation 16)

The Bramshott and Liphook neighbourhood plan was submitted for consultation under regulation 16 of the neighbourhood planning regulations 2012, for six weeks during March - April 2024. 

Representations received are listed below and these have been forward to the appointed examiner.

Your details will be retained in accordance with the planning policy privacy notice and will be shared with the appointed examiner, and published on our website showing your name and (where applicable) organisation.

Key submission documents

Further documents including the evidence base are available to view on the Bramshott and Liphook neighbourhood development plan website.

Paper copies

Paper copies of the above documents can be inspected at :

  • Liphook Millenium Centre, Ontario Way, Liphook, GU30 7LD (Monday to Friday - 10am to 2pm)
  • Liphook Library, London Road, Liphook, GU30 7AN (Monday 1pm to 5pm and Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 9:30am to 1:30pm)

How to respond

This consultation has now closed.

Consultation on the draft neighbourhood plan

Consultation on the draft neighbourhood plan under regulation 14, was undertaken in July and September 2023.

Bramshott and Liphook neighbourhood development plan

Bramshott and Liphook was designated as a neighbourhood area on 23 October 2015.